Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010

Yeah for more sunshine today after yesterday being freezing cold, windy and rainy! Mowed the lawn today even though it was still chilly. Cassidy had no school today for spring PT conferences. She and I went to the movie "the last song" this afternoon at Edwards. It was a pretty good movie, considering it would make a better book. The story definitely needs more time to build up to be really good, but overall not a bad movie. Mostly, I love the fact that there are no bad words or sex scenes, that's the best part. Went to lunch with Richard before the movie. We went to SmashBurger up by the Meridian St. Lukes. Richard loves their burgers. They are way good! Just something I noticed while there, as well as a couple of weeks ago at Qdoba. Why do women go to lunch with each other and then sit across from each other either texting or talking on the cell phone?! Ladies, what's the purpose of going to lunch with a friend if you aren't even with her?! Two women at smashburger with a passel of kids as well and they are each on their own cell phones texting or talking to someone else. What is our society coming to? I want the days of 20 years ago back, pre-cell phone.

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